HELLASP - Hellenic Aspis & Associates Inc. - World Foundation for Peace & Security - by Admiral Peter Kikareas








Who we are

Admiral P. Kikareas has served for 39 years in the Hellenic Navy and the National and NATO defense alliance from many operational strategic and project management assignments.

He was the Project Manager, working with MITRE Corp., for the design of the First Naval C4 I System. He also was the creator of the Naval Automated Surveillance System.

In NATO he served as Director of the Operational Planning of Supreme Headquarters alliance powers Europe from where he has created a number of strategic and other operational planning. He also served five years in the NATO Consultation Command and Control agency as National Hellenic Representative, in the Board of Directors, for all NATO projects that were carried out by this agency, and the best worldwide contracted companies.

During the last five years of his carrier (from 1994 to 1999) he was called by the Minister of Defense of Greece, and was appointed to introduce to the Hellenic Armed Forces and the Hellenic National Defense General Staff, the War Games and Training Assisted Exercises, by computer models with simulation techniques and C4 I systems. In this capacity, he created the First War Games Modeling and Simulation Center for the Three Services of the Hellenic Armed Forces selecting as main simulation model, the Joint Theatre Level Simulation (JTLS) [This model was later selected by NATO as the official model for computer assisted exercises, and is being used since].

Admiral P. Kikareas has created an original study for the Crisis Management Program of all Greece during peace, crisis, physical disasters as well as crisis before, during and after a war. He has connected international strategic studies, with the defense, security, and antiterrorist functions, covering these different areas, using a strong group of experts from Greece and other nationalities while also making use of standby outsourcing experts, systems, and services, in co-operation with a number of the best companies from Greece, USA and other countries. He has created a Foundation of Worldwide Peace and Security, and is working on establishing an Institute of Peace in Greece, which will serve the International Community to solve their problems among them with peaceful and understanding solutions.

Click here for a complete Curriculum Vitae of Admiral P.Kikareas H.N (ret), PhD


Read P. Kikareas' blog